#34 Coby Lefkowitz: Building Optimism - Rethinking Cities, Architecture, and the Future of Urban Design

What if our cities weren’t just places we lived, but places that made us feel alive? In this episode, we welcome back Coby, an urban planner, developer, and author of Building Optimism, to talk about how we can move beyond pessimism and reclaim the built environment. We dive into the philosophy of traditional urbanism versus traditional architecture, how to balance art and economics in development, and why optimism in city building isn’t just wishful thinking—it’s already happening.

Coby shares how his latest project integrates affordability, beauty, and human-scale design, and why zoning reform is beginning to shift the landscape of American cities. We discuss why preservation alone isn't enough, how small developers can create lasting impact, and why the best cities aren’t built overnight—they evolve, adapt, and improve over time. If you’ve ever wondered why some places feel right and others don’t, or how we can design spaces that actually serve human beings, this episode is for you.


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Sierra Pacific Windows: https://www.sierrapacificwindows.com/

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#35 Moses Kagan: The “Indefinite Hold” – Real Estate, Risk, and Capital Raising


#33 Matthew Plechan: How to Paint Masonry. The Durable, Breathable Beauty of Mineral Stains.