#33 Matthew Plechan: How to Paint Masonry. The Durable, Breathable Beauty of Mineral Stains.

Most Americans think painting brick is as simple as grabbing a bucket of latex or oil-based paint, but this common approach can wreak havoc on your home–and is uglier to boot. In this episode, I sit down with Matt Plechan, the founder of Mineral Stains.  We dive deep into the art and science of finishing brick with mineral stains like limewash, potassium silicate and sol silicate.  These centuries-old techniques are not only more durable and beautiful but also allow your brick to breathe, preventing costly damage. 

I talk to many people who go to Europe, see a beautiful color, and try to color match it at home on stucco or masonry. It doesn’t turn out the same.  Why? It’s not the same paint! But it can be. 

If you are thinking about painting masonry, listen to this episode! And while there are other US based suppliers, Matt at Mineral Stains is an excellent source who manufactures in the US and will help you find the right product for your project!


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Sierra Pacific Windows: https://www.sierrapacificwindows.com/

One Source Windows: https://onesourcewindows.com/


#34 Coby Lefkowitz: Building Optimism - Rethinking Cities, Architecture, and the Future of Urban Design


#32 Citymakers Collective: Empowering the Next Generation of Architects, Developers and Builders